I've decided to stop being a pushover. That statement requires a bit of explanation. I am not a victim. I never have been, even when I have been, objectively speaking, victimized. Rather, my flaw is that I am a pleaser and a fixer, and a tad too trusting. I want others to be happy and, somewhere along the way, I took that desire on as a responsibility.
Where has being overly accommodating ever gotten me? And no, it's not all about what I can get, but it sure is about what I've chosen to give up. I'm redefining what is important to me and I'm sort of high on the list.
So am I going to become a #bitch? Ha ha, I doubt it. Rather, I'll need to start creating new expectations for myself. Today, I stood up for something that didn't make sense to me (and believe me, it was outside my comfort zone to do so). I was perfectly polite, had a positive interaction, and ultimately the outcome was favorable to me, but the entire time I was in the middle of it, I felt like a bitch. I felt like "that lady" who requires accommodation for every whim. Really, my request was pretty reasonable and it was granted and the outcome is better, but I felt bad for asking.
That will need to get better.