Sometimes there is shit in my head that is so ugly, so paranoid or so un-PC that I feel like it has no place running through my head, much less being spoken. So I suppress it, and when it gets too bad to do that, I write it on paper, actual paper. I try not to leave my composition notebook laying around. I am ashamed at what can be found in there, at what can be found in my head. But then it builds up and I get shaky and feel crazy. I repeat scenarios in my head over and over, and I often can't stop until I put it into the world. That's what writing this blog has done for me. There's no doubt that the support I have received from most of the people who read it has been awesome. But mostly I need a place to cleanse my mind and release this stuff.
I frequently see shadows and figures. It's part of the paranoia, that someone/something is out to get me. I hardly startle anymore. A menacing figure might shorten this journey.
I have considered that I would prefer to have a "physical" illness, rather than a mental illness. What a horrible thing to say, and yet, I wonder if I might fare better if I had a healthy mind to do battle with my broken body, instead of my intact body that continues to lose ground to my broken mind.
Last weekend, I was driving through a parking lot and I saw no less than three cars about to hit my car. I jumped, yanked on the wheel and realized that the cars were parked. Each time I had a flash of a moment where I considered that life might be easier if those cars smashed into me.
Last night, long after midnight, Kaia woke up crying. When I had settled her back into a peaceful sleep, I said, "Sleep well, my angel." I had such a horrible sense of foreboding that I couldn't sleep for hours. Had I just condemned my little girl to some horrible fate? Would she still be here if I slept? It would have been my fault, I had no doubt.
I have lost all control over my thoughts and what is left in its stead is poison.
Just wanted to let you know I'm reading your blog and hope you keep fighting.